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Ni’ehłyat Nidähjì’ Citizen Information & Feedback Sessions

Please save the date for the up-coming Ni’ehłyat Nidähjì’ Citizen Information & Feedback Sessions in October.

Open to Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Families, Citizens, and Youth. These sessions give you the opportunity to share your voice,

provide feedback and help guide our programming and development.

Join us on October 3rd at the Äłät Nëhëjël TH Hall from 4:30pm – 7pm with dinner provided.

All Citizens are welcome to attend one or both sessions. If you cannot attend in person, you can participate virtually via our online events portal. Please scan the code to register.

For more information prior to the event contact Alison.kormendy@trondek.ca We look forward to hearing from you. Mähsį cho!