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First Hunt Feast on December 7th

In October, A team of Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in hunters, guides, elders, and Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in staff took care of 10 youth receiving teachings out on the land. Over a few days they learned how-to harvest small game and caribou and participated in traditional activities including jarring, beading and archery. Youth were recognized for attitude, skill learning and winning at Dënezhu Bingo.
Coordinated by Sharon Vittrekwa, Cultural Education Coordinator for the Heritage department, she shares her reflections and a reminder of the importance of these teachings in a respectful way:
‘Teachings are connected to learning the importance of the circle of life and the caribou. The caribou are our lifeline. By instilling the traditional values to our youth, we create our new head leaders in respect and acknowledgment of our herd leaders Les John and John Taylor. ‘
Join us on the evening of Thursday, December 7th at 5:00pm, to honour the Youth who took part with a slideshow and a presentation of certificates.
This will be followed by a Caribou Feast.

For more information pls. contact Sharon Vittrekwa, our Cultural Education Coordinator at 993-7100. Ext 185.