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Indigenous Veterans Day Event on November 8th

Join us on Wednesday, November 8th to commemorate Indigenous Veterans Day. A gathering of remembrance and prayer will be held at the Dänojà Zho Cultural Centre at 11am.

There will be prayers, a sacred fire with light refreshments and some time and space to bead your own poppy. Everyone is welcome.


Top left photo:

*Lucy & James Sgt. James Jonathon Wood K554754

Active Militia of Canada Pacific Coast Militia Rangers

Moosehide, Yukon Territory. Served continuously in PCM Rangers from February 16, 1943 to October 30, 1945


Bottom left photo:

*Private George Walters –K73615

George Walters was the son of Eva Silas and the grandson of Ellen Silas of Moosehide Yukon Territory. George Walters left Dawson City a month after Charlie Isaac joining the Canadian Forestry Corps in December 1940. George was first posted in a forestry camp near Inverness Scotland before the “Dawson boys’ were split up. George remembered that they met at odd times, even in the heat of battle when they would meet up and share the cigarettes they were packing. In 1942-43 the Canadian Army was re-taking Norway and George Walters was hit by shrapnel and was returned to Canada on a hospital ship. Adapted from the Whitehorse Star November 10, 1989


Second page photos:


Photo on left

Charlie Isaac

Son of Chief Isaac and Eliza Isaac of Moosehide Yukon Territory.

Charlie Isaac served his people as Chief at Moosehide before taking a job at White Pass before enlisting in the Canadian Army in 1941.

Charlie was assigned duty in an Artillery Regiment but didn’t care much for the guns “I didn’t’ like the artillery guns, they were pretty big and sure hard on your ear drums”. Charlie transferred to the Royal Canadian Ordinance Corps in 1942. Overseas Charlie Isaac served as a munitions-bearer all over Europe…

“We used to lie down and go to sleep between the rows of grapes in the vineyards (of Italy). All around us would be a cloak of grapes”.

General J.V. Allard from Canadian Forces Headquarters Ottawa wrote Charlie Isaac a personal note that read in part…“you are a credit to Canada, and an inspiration to your tribe, I salute you and pray God that he keep you for many years to come…”Charlie Isaac survived the war and returned to Canada. Adapted from Whitehorse Star article Charlie Isaac Went to War November 1977

 Photo on right

Private Harry Davis K76942

Harry Davis was the son of Bella (Wood) Davis and Harry Davis Sr. and the grandson of Jonathan and Ellen Wood. All of Moosehide Yukon Territory.

Harry Davis lies at the Holten War Cemetery close to the German frontier on the main road from Amsterdam to Bremen.