“We are very proud to announce the completion of these TH citizens and Hän Language Teacher at Robert Service School for completing Hän language Level 2. This group of people have come very far in learning the language and are very engaged. A lot of them want to carry on with learning more about the Hän Language and be able to pass on the knowledge as future teachers “
Mähsi cho for taking the time to learn and revitalize our ancestral language which is in a critical state.
Nihënjìk trʼìnląy, nihënjëk wëtäde hänjit, hǫzǫ tr’ëhudè(y). We are our language, our language will live on, we are living good.
Your Hän Teachers, Tr’ënin tsul eycha Allittsul, (Erika and Allison) 
Graduating Students in order of appearance from left to right:
Alice McCulley, Paul Butterworth, Mandi Ballentine (Roberts), Maddison McKenna, Giulia Cecchi, April Coulson, and Denise Bell.