Health Programs

The health team helps Citizens improve their physical health & wellbeing, manage and prevent health conditions, live independently through the lifespan, and navigate community and TH programs and services.

For general inquiries and request for supports, please contact

Community Health Program

The Community Health Program helps Citizens improve and maintain physical health, wellbeing and nutrition, as well as prevent and manage health conditions and injury.

Meals on Wheels Program

Citizens living with a chronic health condition or disability on traditional territory can access the Meals on Wheels program which provides three nutrition meals per week.

Community Luncheon Program

Open to the community, Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays from noon – 1pm between September and May. Cost is $5, or $50 for a 10 punch pass. Free on Fridays.

Home & Community Care

TH Home care program supports Citizens to safely live in their homes as they age. H&CC also provide temporary home support needs (i.e. post surgery), respite for family caregivers, and end of life care for Citizens and their families. H&CC supports Citizens to access healthcare, and coordinates home care supports and equipment through both Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in and Yukon Government programs.

Medical Escorts

Eligible citizens travelling for medical reasons but without a prescribed medical escort can apply to the TH Wellness Department for assistance. An Auxiliary On-Call Driver will be identified, but only in rare instances when family or friends are unavailable to act as an escort. Assistance will be based on Yukon NIHB rates even if the citizen is travelling from point to point in a district outside of the Yukon.

Documents, Applications and Forms

TH Art Work