Youth Recreation Camp is happening January 18-20 at Nänkäk Ch’ëholay (R-22)!
All youth ages 12-18 are invited to come get out on the land, learn new skills, and have some fun. We will meet at K’äjit-in Zho on January 18, 2025 at 10:00 am with all of their belongings ready to go. We will be returning to town 1:00 pm on Monday January 20, 2025. We will plan to drop off youth at their homes or call parents to pick them up K’äjit-in Zho.
Our orientation meeting and gear check is on Wednesday, January 15 at the K’äjit-in Zho starting at 5:00. This is essential, as we need to ensure that we have the proper equipment, and everyone knows what is expected of them.
We will be doing indoor and outdoor activities such as team building games, snaring rabbits, making spruce pitch, snowshoeing and cross-country shelter building, Han language games, bingo, scary stories around the fire, and more.
More information and a registration form is available here.
For questions, drop by K’äjit-In Zho or call Dillan Taylor at (867) 993-7100 ext. 285.